This Auslan interpreted event marks one year after their unforgettable sell out night of cabaret chaos and hilarity at Smith's Alternative. Larry Olive, voice coach to the stars reunites Anita Douche and Liver Ouchie (all washed up but still dirty as hell) with a stellar line up of fabulous talents:

Returning from the wilds of South America is the beer gargling chanteuse, Christa Hughes.

From the 1930's, somewhere exotic in Europe- Marlene, hilarious magic from Woy Woy with Davo King of the Unimpossible, Canberra's own-sexy burlesque-Deb Delicious, tasty but vicious!

Plus the debut performance of Captain Trips with his own particular Canberran twisted philosphy.

Skilled in subversive, this pack of professional clowns will leave no banana peel unstepped upon, no G-string unsnapped, no brown notes unreached for.

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Smith's Alternative
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