Shortis and Simpson have embarked on a series of shows that explore the musical influences of a notable guest. Last year it was Keith Potger of The Seekers, now it’s the turn of respected political journalist and author, Karen Middleton. 

As well as her journalistic activities she is also a singer, and writer of political satire, especially with The House Howlers, a group of press gallery journalists that have been regulars at the Mid Winter Ball at Parliament House over the years.

In Under the Influence, Shortis and Simpson lead her through her through the singles, the albums, the singers, shows and seminal moments that have informed her political and musical endeavours from hymns to musicals, to Bay City Rollers and ABBA, to Geoffrey Gurrumul Yunupingu, Fred Smith and much more. 

When Shortis and Simpson’s influences overlap with hers they bring in influences of their own. How else would she be caught singing in Vietnamese, Bosnian and Bulgarian!

Surprising, revealing, funny, entertaining, poignant- don’t miss Under the Influence.


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