B.C. are Neolithic noise mercenaries from the National Capital.

Now you’re thinking loud Electric guitars. Pffft!!! Don’t need ‘em. B.C. are keeping things simple, with two bass guitars and drums, creating a sound that’s described as the lovechild of Motorhead, Kyuss and the MC5, with a distinctly Australian vibe. You need to see them live to truly understand.

So, if you feel like winding the clock back 10,000 years to the good ol’ days when all you had to do is find food, ferment fruit and try to not die, welcome to B.C.

B.C. debut E.P available.

Materialising in the ACT in 2024, Timecult are inspired to tell heavy rock tales of history and beyond. We take inspiration from Deep Purple, Sabbath, Iron Maiden, The Melvins, Mr Bungle and Dio.

Timecult are:

High Priestess Elise
Time-master Glenn
Inquisitor/String Theorist: Gareth
Magus Danny Dee


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Smith's Alternative
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