Angela Gardner’s most recent books are 'The Told World Shearsman' UK; 'Thing & Unthing' Vagabond, both 2014; and with Caren Florance, 'The future, unimagine' (2017) Recent Work Press. Her eighth book, 'Some Sketchy Notes on Matter', shortlisted for the Dorothy Hewett Award 2018, is forthcoming from Recent Works Press, in 2019. She is the ACT Writers Centre 2019 Writer in Residence.

Alan Jefferies is an Australian born poet and children’s author who resided in Hong Kong between 1998 and 2007. He co-founded (with Mani Rao and Kit Kelen) OutLoud, Hong Kong’s longest running English language poetry reading and went on to start 'Vodka Slam'. He's published five books, his most recent 'Seem' is a bilingual edition of poems - Chinese translation by Iris Fan Xing - published in Macau. He currently lives on the NSW North Coast and a new book of poems, 'in the same breath' is due for publication in 2020.

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