Paper Cuts Youth is a showcase of comedic & satirical monologues performed by Canberra's most exciting and hilarious young actors. Led by a production team of talented women - Matilda Saddington, Kara Blackburn, Glynis Stokes and Anna Khan - audiences will be entertained by unique characters who will help answer some of life's most profound and not-so-profound questions, such as:
* If Jane Austen ran a relationship advice column, what would it say?
* What does a mental breakdown look like as a dance routine?
* What should you say to your boss when she tells you your skirt is too short?
* How does a hobbit become an elf?
* What happens when a Liberal Party-supporting carnivore falls in love with a Feminist vegan?
* How can a school principal get students to stop playing on their phones?
* Why is going to the beach so terrible?
* Is it creepy to accidentally-on-purpose bump into a hot guy while he's jogging around the lake?
* How long does it take to get ready to go to Bunnings?
All this and more will be revealed…
Elliot Cleaves || Gym Selfies
Meaghan Stewart || Running into the Ex
Madeleine McGrath || Skype
Merryn Byrne || The Honest Estate Agent
Lily Munnings || Please Accept My Resignation
Declan Pigram || The Smitten Scientist
Erin Frakes || Just Browsing
Tegan Braithwaite || I Have a Dream, Carol
Yarno Rohlings || Hairspray Island
Cameron Patterson || The Law Student
Sophie Hopkins || The Modern Fairytale
Andrew Taylor || Sex With Molly
Phoebe Angelatos || Disturbed Dance Instructor
Kate Bonnett || Aunty Austen
Tessani Wells || Beach Blues
Aram Geleris || The Principal's Address
Zoe Lee-Archer || Not Creepy
Patrick Uren || Etiquette
Marli Haddiell || Date Night
Hannah Miller || Grandma's Sex Advice
Martha Russell || Bitch
Bailey Lutton || The Actor
Caitlin Addinell || Awwww
Patrick Knight || Things I Hate
Production Team
Director - Matilda Saddington
Assistant Director - Kara Blackburn
Production Manager - Glynis Stokes
Playwright - Kirsty Budding
Stage Manager - Anna Khan