It was the year two thousand and ten and Australia was led by fearless feminist Julia Gillard, the world fought off swine flu and the fantastic Magic Rob materialised on Canberra’s stages!
Magic Rob and his magical assistants shall again be materializing at one of their favourite portals into the unpredictable and divine -- Smith's Alternative.
"Magic Rob" had been performing around Canberra as a solo act for years until his magic orb resonated with guitarist Mystical Nath. With their combined powers they cast a spell on audiences and then upon Glen and Dave, who to this day have no idea how they ended up in the band. ‘The Magic Rob Universe’ is quickly gaining momentum and perfoming Magic Shows for "kids" of all ages who like their rock to be a blend of hard edged guitar riffs/solos and fantastical lyrical journeys to another realm.
Also appearing, Canberra’s Wesley and the Crushers!
Please do not attend if you are unwell or have been in close contact with a known active case of COVID in the previous 14 days, masks to be worn indoors per ACT govt. restrictions.