"Just Us Tango: Intimate” is the tango revolution you’ve been waiting for. This isn’t pretty background music designed to give warm world music feels. This is real tango played with heart, rigour, and intelligence. 

Rodolfo Caivano, Argentinian, Bandoneon player, recently moved to the nation’s capital from Melbourne, where he founded a tango orchestra. Rodolfo is obsessed with tango music and thinks it could cure the world of most things. With him is Danilo Rojas, the Bolivian-born, wold-trained pianist and based in Melbourne who pairs brains with technical virtuosity, and Diego Neder, the loveable Argentinian bass player with forty years of experience playing all over Argentina and now Australia. 

They lead an original, non- touristic experience in tango music. The trio are real musicians, trained in the secrets of the tango music genre of Buenos Aires. They want nothing less than to revolutionise Australian music with the ethos and sound of tango. 

Join them and the incredible tango dance community of Canberra for an evening of driving rhythms, lush sounds, glissandi, and drama at Smith’s Alternative on April 25th.

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