Jamie Hutchings and Darren ‘DC’ Cross both emerged from the Australian alterna-boom of the ’90’s and have been crossing paths ever since. Hutchings originally as the founding member of Bluebottle Kiss, with Cross being out front of Gerling










Jamie Hutchings

The pair team up for four shows across NSW and the ACT - Jamie will be performing songs from his expansive, critically acclaimed back catalogue, covering ground from his Bluebottle Kiss days through to recent solo and Infinity Broke work. Darren will be performing as DC Cross: Australian instrumental folk guitar, three albums in and just off the road as special guest to Ed Kuepper and Jim White. 

But that’s not all! The pair are also releasing a super limited (edition of 50) 8 inch lathe cut vinyl EP. Hutchings with two previously unreleased tracks on one side (Dead Legs and The Men), Cross with two recent tracks (Brumby and Cootamundra) on the other.








Darren ‘DC’ Cross

The EP will be available to purchase from Jamie’s Bandcamp as well as Darren’ Bandcamp, as well as at the shows if stock is still available. 

Hutchings most recent album is a collection of experimental, semi improvised sound art pieces entitled Making Water, whilst Cross’ most recent release is Hot-wire the Lay-low (Australian Escapist Pieces for Guitar), an album conceived entirely in rural N.S.W.

Don’t miss these shows from two of Sydney’s most prolific and original artists.

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