Jake Annetts and Angela Hunter, known universally as Jake and Ange, are two salt of the earth characters who for the last four years have been establishing Dog Leg Farm, an off-grid, self-built with recyled materials ‘piece of paradise’ at Bombay near Braidwood. On Friday night pretty much all their work in building, gardening and land restoration was laid to waste by the fire in the Tallaganda National Park, which jumped the Shoalhaven River and went on to threaten the township of Braidwood for a period.
Jake and Ange came to our attention as a singer-songwriter duo, occasionally coming into town to perform at one of our Canberra Musicians Club events. They are the sweetest, most kind-hearted and generous folks you’re ever likely to meet, as evidenced by the many offers of help they’re receiving now in their time of need. The local community has already raised over $15,000 via a Gofund Me page. If you can’t make it on Wednesday, please make a contribution there. Otherwise come along and enjoy some entertainment while supporting a very worthwhile cause.
Michael Simic (Mikelangelo)
Jacqui Malins
Heya Gosper
More TBA
‘Dream’ Photo Credit: ABC News: Andrew Kennedy