If you think of a bar in your favourite city, the kind of place with a piano in the corner that people play, not one that's just there for decoration, and you think of it as a place where Peter, Paul and Mary might have gone for a coffee or a drink most days.
And if you think of the owner of that bar as being Jonny Greenwood, and when he isn't booking bands to play in his bar he is playing a lot of Claude Debussy over the PA, well Hashemoto is the kind of musical act that might be the house band in that bar.
The Lonely Fates are an indi / folk / country-soul band.
Featuring musicians from a bunch of Canberra-based acts such as The Wedded Bliss, Cuss, the Fred Smith band and Waterford, The Lonely Fates feature the original songs of Fiona Bolton & Randall Blair.
The two songwriters are joined by multi-instrumentalist & sound engineer Cameron Burns. Together, the three swap instruments - depending on the song - and their sound is a swirling blend of luscious pop melody and lyrical soul.'