A revelation… if at all possible, see them!” – Canberra Jazz

Featuring Australian jazz legend Jonathan Zwartz alongside major emerging talents Wilbur Whitta and Jack Rosenzweig, FAUNA emerges from the imagination of trumpeter-composer Alex Raupach onto the landscape of Australian improvised music with its 2024 debut.

Conceived as ‘a band of beautiful ears’, the musicians come together not just because of how they play, but how they hear. Raupach’s compositions form the backdrop, setting the course for a long, shared stream of consciousness that flows through a secret garden of wide minimalist spaces, intricate harmonic cascades, and pools of dreamlike improvisation.

The ecosystem is completed by special guest Flora Carbo, a creative force of the Melbourne art music scene known for her preternatural ability to create and illuminate musical space with just a few brushstrokes of ochre-bright alto saxophone sound. Together, FAUNA + FLORA tend to a flourishing musical dreamscape, and invite you back to the garden.

Alex Raupach – trumpet
Wilbur Whitta – piano
Tom Botting – bass
Jack Rosenzweig – drums

and special guest

Flora Carbo (MEL) – alto saxophone

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