Seven Canberra choirs will perform in this second edition of Choiracopia – a choir degustation, an all-you-can-hear banquet of massed vocalisation. This event serves the following purposes:

For the generally interested culture lover, see seven local choirs in one sitting.
For those specifically interested in joining a choir, see seven in action to help inform your choice.
For local choirs, an opportunity to recruit new fans and members and check out/meet other choirs.

Choirs On Board:
2.30 - The Portables
2.50 - Ecopella
3.10 - Full Voice Singers
3.30 - The ANU Choral Society (aka SCUNA)
3.50 – BREAK
4.10 – The Cyrenes
4.30 – AFK Choir
4.50 – Canberra Celtic Choir

Performances will be maximum 15 minutes duration and choirs limited to 24 choristers and one choir leader. Ideally performances will be a capella, but some limited instrumentation may be allowed following consultation. A piano will be in situ.

If you’d like your choir to join in, please email

Q. What's the process for choir members at the show? Do we all need to buy tickets?
A. With up to 240 participants and only 100 seats available, we're afraid it's not possible to offer free entry to choir members, but they are welcome to purchase a concession ticket. We will reserve seats for all the choir directors to watch the whole show if they wish.

Q. Is there somewhere for choirs to hang out when not performing?
A. Smith's has a bar and a performance space upstairs which will be available for hang-outs and warm-ups respectively and there is also the downstairs bar and outdoor seating areas for hanging about. Warm-ups in the upstairs bar will run on a schedule roughly 30 minutes ahead of performance time, with choirs warming up for 20 minutes and heading downstairs with 10 minutes to spare, waiting in the bar until called in. The upstairs will be open from 1.30pm.

Need to sell tickets, or take event registrations?

Smith's Alternative
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