An Inspiring Travel Story
A middle-aged man, looking a little manic and like he’s ready to hike across the country, bounds onto stage and launches into song. What follows is Camino Man: a performance about the time Steve Wilson trekked across the north coast of Spain on the Camino del Norte. It’s a story told through monologue and slideshow of Wilson meeting a number of people along the way who help him make sense of his recent experience of becoming single, losing his job, and being physically assaulted while walking home one afternoon. As Wilson says, “It’s a story about discovering your smile, finding love, saying sorry, and finding peace.”
Back in 2018, when Wilson reached a crossroad in his life, he knew he had lost his way, but didn’t know what to do. And yet from out of this traumatic time came a call, an inner voice, telling him to take some time away, to get away, and to do something a little crazy, like go to the other side of the world to walk 1000km across northern Spain. So he did!
Wilson walked the Camino del Norte, an old pilgrim trail in northern Spain, in 2019. He wrote a podcast about his experiences in 2020. And in 2021 after not performing for many years, Wilson brought the crazy Australian to life on stage at the Newcastle Fringe. Since then he has performed Camino Man in Dubbo, Edinburgh UK, Wagga Wagga, Perth, Adelaide, Wellington NZ, Dungog, Avignon FR, Sydney, back to Perth and Newcastle, and now to Canberra.
Camino Man is a one-man show performed by Wilson, produced by stevprodukt.
Weekly Theatre Award Winner – Adelaide Fringe 2023
Weekly Theatre Award Winner – Fringe World 2023
Best Solo Performance – Dubbo Fringe Festival 2021
Best New Show – Newcastle Fringe Festival 2021
“It felt like I was on the journey with him. An unflinchingly honest look into human trauma and redemption. Fabulously entertaining show. Compelling, emotive and bright journey through community to selfresolution.” – Theatreview 2023
“Gentle Steve effectively and seductively takes you right along on the trail with him.” – The Bearfoot Review 2023