What’s Cult Got to Do with It? 

Cult films are ephemeral and compulsively worshipped movies that despite their lack of traditional cultural value, have survived to yield fascinating glimpses into the past and present of this pseudogenre.

Cult films are known for their dedicated and passionate fanbase… forming an elaborate subculture, members of which engage in repeated viewings, dialogue-quoting and audience participation!

So let’s celebrate some of our all time favourites! 

From underground films to midnight double features…

A juxtaposition of imagery, dreams and fantasy will be delivered through an explosive night of drag / burlesque / performance art / live art and music!


Venus Mantrap
Zapp Backagain
Guy Alias 
Estella Queen B 
Currie Brownshaw 
Xenon Revolution
Latin Lover
Cathy Petocz

Come and experience acts inspired by art from the beautiful, abstract and obscene, be immersed in fantasy and expression that flouts conventional aesthetics. 

Need to sell tickets, or take event registrations?

Smith's Alternative
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