Unfortunately this means that nozl will be performing their FINAL GIG at Smith's Alternative on Thursday Feb 2nd, starting promptly at 6pm and continuing with a short break until nearly 8pm. We will be welcoming guest speakers from past nozl events (Anthony Irving, Fiona Dickson, Bruce Rose) to supplement the current line up of Tom Harwood, Richard de Ferranti, Paul Marsh and Peter Briggs.
Songbooks will be available to assist with singing along to your favourite nozl songs, such as Mr Sopal, which might otherwise be tricky. Details on the set list below.
Whilst neither nozl nor the nozl Youth Wing have ever been a political organisation, it has become difficult for us in the post-Turbssen era to pursue our mission. Front man Tom Harwood is being forced to leave the country in the next few months due to relentless media intrusions from Ulf Manstein and colleagues.
nozl wish to thank all those who have contributed their time and ears to nozl over the last 12 years.
Feb 2nd Set Lust
Spaced Out
Joan the Wad
Gibbous Moon
Guantanamo Bay
Stop the Boats
Mr. Sopal
Fuck the Bankers
Trials of Honey
James Brown with a Gun
Planet of the Nubiles
Hot Pants
Monster Truck