Jen Webb is Distinguished Professor of Creative Practice at University of Canberra. The ACT editor of Australian Book Review’s States of Poetry anthology, co-editor of the Mandarin/English anthology Open Windows: Contemporary Australian Poetry, and the literary journal Meniscus, her most recent poetry collections are Moving Targets (Recent Work Press 2018), Flight Mode (with Shé Hawke, Recent Work Press 2020), and Five Tastes (with Oz Hardwick, Pauls Hetherington and Munden, and Cassandra Atherton).
Oz Hardwick is a European poet, photographer, occasional musician, and accidental academic, whose work has been widely published in international journals and anthologies. He has published “about a dozen” full collections and chapbooks, including Learning to Have Lost (IPSI, 2018) which won the 2019 Rubery International Book Award for poetry, and most recently A Census of Preconceptions (SurVision Books, 2022). In 2022, he was awarded the ARC Poetry Prize for “a lifetime devotion and service to the cause of prose poetry”. Oz is Professor of Creative Writing at Leeds Trinity University.
No open mic. Q+A at end.