Formed in late 2019, Empress is a unique contemporary ensemble centring around powerful three-part vocal harmony, supported by synth-based electronic dance grooves. Rising quick and fierce in the Melbourne scene, "Grandma U Lie" is the second single released off of their Debut LP set to be released early next year. Following their explosive neo-house debut single “Baby” in June, "Grandma U Lie" shows a quirkier side of Empress’ writing and composing.

Packed with wondrous sounds and intriguing sonic ideas, the six-piece collective is explosive in their musical output and live performances, and work to create safer platforms and opportunities for women, especially in the Melbourne electronic music scene where there seems to be an under-representation of female-fronted bands. Drawing from a wide-range of influences, varying from Tune Yards and Destiny's Child to James Blake, KAYTRANADA, Bjork and Dirty Projectors, Empress creates a distinct and diverse sound.

Despite establishing themselves as a live force to be reckoned with, packing out The Night Cat, The Evelyn Hotel, Howler, Colour Club, and the Curtin Hotel, Empress’ released music exposes their intricate songwriting and expert producing championing vocal harmony. Catch them on their debut East Coast Tour somewhere near you!

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