Songs for people who love dogs, or just like music created by a person who loves dogs.

“Who let the dogs out?” and “How much is that doggy in the window?” are just some of the deep questions composers ponder when considering our canine cousins. While rhetorical, such mysteries point to the inextricable connection between humans and dogs, and the expression of such in music.

Far from just wagging tails, licks and snuggles, shaggy canine muses are an inexhaustible well of inspiration. Through composition and improvisation, I explore the whimsy, passion, humor and surprising idiosyncrasies of dogs, as well as the way their love and loyalty make us feel.

Aided and abetted by an all-star band including Nick McBride, James Luke, Greg Stott, Ben Marsdon and others, this performance will feature original jazz, electronica and classical compositions inspired by dogs I have known and loved, as part of my PhD research project at the Sydney Conservatorium. From crazy collies, curious kelpies, splendid spoodles, whimsical wolfhounds, obstreperous staffys, truculent terriers and many others, this music is an homage to the sacred bond we share with animals. Please come and celebrate furry significant others you have known and loved too.

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